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Achieve Precision and Consistency Across Every Shot​

Master the rhythm and tempo essential for consistent results with video courses tailored to every part of your game.



"I love the game of golf—hitting a good shot is pure joy. But even though I’m relatively long off the tee, I couldn’t translate that into lower scores. Under pressure, my swing would get quick, and my short game completely fell apart.​ Enter Audio Golf: The phrases taught me what consistent tempo feels like. ​


I don’t mean to be overly dramatic, but most importantly, Audio Golf transformed my practice routine. Before, I’d hit shots randomly, hoping to zero in on a backswing length that worked. But every session felt like starting from scratch. I had no way to produce repeatable results. Now, the Audio Golf phrases act as a standard to keep me on track. When I start rushing, I recognize the result, recall the phrase, and get back on course. I have never experienced this before. Previously, it was very unlikely I would correct things myself but descend into a mindless rapid fire cycle.  â€‹


Now, I’m seeing real progress. My shot dispersion is shrinking, and my confidence on the course is growing. During my last tournament, after eleven holes of solid putting, my playing partner said, ‘You’re such a good putter!’ I couldn’t believe it—that’s something I’d never heard before.”

- Amy (Avid Golfer)


Explore our library of on-demand courses covering:​


  • Short Game Mastery: Dial in putting, chipping, and pitching precision.​

  • Approach Shot Accuracy: Achieve repeatable rhythm for iron shots.​

  • Tee and Off-Tee Control: Build powerful, consistent swings off the tee.​


Each course is designed with specific rhythm phrases, easy implementation and practical drills to make practice more effective and help you carry consistency onto the course.



*plus sales tax / VAT



40 50 60 YARDS


*plus sales tax / VAT



*plus sales tax / VAT


100-200 YARDS


*plus sales tax / VAT


3, 6 AND 10 FEET


*plus sales tax / VAT


10 20 30 YARDS


*plus sales tax / VAT




*plus sales tax / VAT




Audio Golf Online is currently available exclusively to a small group of dedicated golfers as we finalize our full launch for mid-2025.




Wow! The demand for our new online services has been overwhelming! We've received far more applications than expected, and as a result, we are temporarily pausing new admissions to our early access program.


However, this doesn’t mean you’re out of luck! You can still apply, and when we open up more spots, you’ll be among the first to be considered. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this exclusive early access—apply now and secure your place in line!


Download this FREE LESSON and experience the effectiveness of Audio Golf firsthand.​

In less than 10 minutes, you’ll enhance your distance control for 15 ft putts using a straightforward Audio Golf phrase. Experience pure consistency through rhythm and tempo control—no technical thoughts required!​


Are you ready to discover how quickly you can elevate your game with rhythm and tempo training?​​

Get Your FREE Lesson Now!​

    Prof. Chou demonstrates how strongly sounds influence physical movements. He also describes how he developed this technique to achieve world-class performance in classical music and how the idea came about to apply it to sports such as golf.
    Putting Consistency: 5-20ft or 30-50ft 45-60 min, 6-10 persons The following issues are addressed in these course sessions: Poor speed & distance control: the ball is rolling too far or too short, causing score-damaging 3-putts or missed opportunities to 1-putt. Being stressed: Missing "makeable" putts at very short distances. Uneventful, unproductive practice: practicing countless, unloved, dull putting distances without a purpose. ATTENTION Yips: If you suffer from putting yips, please contact us for a private lesson. We have an approximate 80% success rate. What are the benefits of these course sessions? Precise distance control: long putts end up significantly more often in the 3 ft radius around the hole (more 2-putts) and short makeable putts are holed. Consistency: the Audio Golf sound patterns act like stencils and produce the same distance ranges every time (given the same speed of the green). Positive thoughts: your personalized sound will allow you to have a positive picture in your mind and therefore a positive result. Relaxed playing: you can completely rely on the sound patterns; at the same time, the sound patterns block disturbing anxiety thoughts. What worked perfectly in practice now works more reliably on the course. Immediate improvement: after only 2 putting courses of 45-60 minutes each, you will master your putting distances the very next time you are on the course, without lengthy practice. How does Audio Golf work for putting? When you think our sound patterns while putting, the brain understands how long the backswing should be and at what speed to swing through without conscious thoughts of technique. For the different distances to the hole (e.g. 5ft, 10ft, 30ft) you will receive the appropriate sounds, which then act like "stencils" for each of these distances. Audio Golf course session outline Prof. Chou will carefully rehearse with you 3 sound patterns used by professional golfers, each of which will produce a difference in distance the ball rolls. He will personally supervise you to make sure that you implement them precisely. He will also fine-tune your sound individually, if necessary, until the rhythm, tempo and timing are perfectly suited to you. At the end you will be able to use all sound patterns one after the other and see how the balls land proper distances. Applying Audio Golf Your sound patterns can be used reliably on your next round. As usual, you test the green conditions before the game and check whether the sound patterns produce equal, shorter or longer distances. Depending on the conditions, you will be able to use your personalized sounds Prof. Chia gave you. Once on the course, you will walk off, count your paces to the hole, and select the appropriate sound pattern for your putt. Don’t worry about having to remember your personalized sounds, you will be given an Audio Golf Card that will list your sounds. You can keep this card in your pocket for reference.
    Pitch consistency: 15-35yd or 40-60 yd Chip consistency: short grass or light rough 45-60 min, 6-10 persons The following problems are addressed in these course sessions: Poor distance control: ball lands too far from the hole for a 1-putt. Poor contact: hitting fat and thin shots, contact is not solid. Negative thoughts: negative thoughts put a negative picture in your mind and therefore create negative results, the same goes for overwhelming mechanical thoughts. Poor consistency: unsolid contact leads to inconsistent results. Unbalanced swing: lack of rhythm prevents a fluid movement, the transition from backswing to forward swing is too fast/violent. Boring practice: practicing countless, unloved, dull pitch and chip distances. ATTENTION Yips: If you suffer from chipping yips, please contact us for a private lesson. We have an approximate 80% success rate with players with yips. What are the benefits of these course sessions? Precise distance control: significant increase in pitches and chips that are close to the flag and can be holed with a single putt. Hitting quality: solid contact and more accuracy. Positive thoughts: your personalized sound will allow you to have a positive picture in your mind and therefore a positive result. Relaxed playing: you can completely rely on the sound patterns; at the same time, the sound patterns block disturbing mechanical and anxiety thoughts. What worked perfectly in practice now works reliably on the course. Consistency: your personalized sound will make your contact more solid and consistent; each sound pattern acts like a stencil and always creates the same specific distance range. Rhythmic swing that reliably produces the desired distances with no mechanical thoughts. Immediate improvement: after only 2 pitching and chipping courses of 45-60 minutes each, you'll master the most common pitch and chip distances the very next time you're on the course. How does Audio Golf work for pitching and chipping? When you think our sound patterns while pitching or chipping, the brain subconsciously understands how long the backswing should be and at what speed you should swing through. For different distances to the flag, you will receive the appropriate sounds, which then act like stencils. Audio Golf course session outline In each course session, Prof. Chou will carefully rehearse with you 3 sound patterns used by professional golfers, each of which will result in a difference of approx. 5 or 10 yd in ball length. He will personally supervise you to make sure that you implement them precisely. He will also fine-tune your sound individually, if necessary, until the rhythm, tempo and timing are perfectly suited to you. In the end, you will be able to use all sound patterns one after the other and see how the balls land at proper distances. Applying Audio Golf Your sound patterns are ready to use and will provide you with reliable distance control on your next round. Once on the golf course, you will determine your distance from the flag. You will then choose your personalized sound that matches the distance. You will take into consideration course conditions such as wind, uphill, downhill, and the lie of the ball. Don’t worry about having to remember your personalized sounds, you will be given an Audio Golf Card that will list your sounds. You can keep this card in your pocket for reference.
    Driver tempo & rhythm: full swing with driver, on tee) Swing tempo & rhythm: full swing, off tee) 1:30h, 6-10 persons The following issues will be addressed in these course sessions: Overall tempo is off: Taking the club back too quickly, deceleration at impact, resulting in unbalanced, inconsistent swings. Poor transition: lack of rhythm prevents a fluid movement, transition from backswing to forward swing is too fast/violent. Poor contact: inconsistent hits off of the toe and heel of the club. Consistency: Not making reliably repeatable good shots. What are the benefits of these course sessions? Hitting quality: Straight shots on the fairway and hitting more greens. Improved distance: often between 10 yd and 30 yd more length. Rhythmic swing that produces more length with less effort – effortless power and no more powerless effort. Consistency: repeatable swings, solid contact. Immediate improvement: after each 45-60 minute course session, you'll master drives or approach shots the very next time you're on the course. Free yourself from disturbing mechanical and anxiety thoughts while practicing and playing. How does Audio Golf work for drives and approach shots? With the help of your individual sound patterns, which you think during the backswing and downswing of your drives or approach shots, the rhythm, timing, and tempo of your swing are automatically guided and drastically improved. Audio Golf course session outline We will give you three Driver sound patterns or three sound patterns for your approach shots and test which of these suits you best (drive and approach usually require different sounds). You will practice these, with Prof. Chou personally supervising you so that you can implement them precisely. He will also fine-tune your sound individually, if necessary, until the rhythm, tempo and timing are perfectly suited to you. You'll notice the improvement right away, and you'll find that you don't have to work as hard to achieve it. Applying Audio Golf Once Prof. Chia and you have determined your individual sounds, on you can apply your drive and approach sound patterns to each of your drives and approach shots. Don’t worry about having to remember your personalized sounds, you will be given an Audio Golf Card that will list your sounds. You can keep this card in your pocket for reference.
    In this individual tandem coaching, the golf instructor and Prof. Chou work together on swing problems of your choice. The instructor describes what the swing should look like and Prof. Chou translates this into a sound pattern that your brain uses to automatically execute the desired movement. In just 25 minutes or less, you will have solved up to 2 swing issues of your choice. Participants improve significantly on swing issues in all areas of your game: drive, full swing, pitch, chip, bunker or putting.


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